Beyond the Tradeoff between Quality and Quantity in Digital Humanities Research

The tradeoff is the act of balancing two things that are opposed to each other. Just criticizing one thing over another in the tradeoff relationship is not productive because it is essentially about “the act of balancing.” Here quality and quantity is a tradeoff relationship often discussed in the context of digital technology because if the balance moves toward quantity, quality could be adversely affected. However, we suggest shifting the focus to an end-to-end workflow from a research question to a research result. How can we optimize the act of balancing to reach the best result from a challenging research question? We expect that scalable technology, such as AI and collective intelligence, can bring us to a new frontier of quantity with quality. Our projects in the ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH), such as kuzushiji recognition, KaoKore (collection of facial expressions), and Bukan Complete Collection, always pay attention to the presence of tradeoff relationships, such as quality and quantity, and guide the development of digital technology toward the best balance. The talk will introduce the case studies of our projects and discuss how the act of balancing works in those case studies.


Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Beyond the Tradeoff between Quality and Quantity in Digital Humanities Research", The Digital Turn in Early Modern Japanese Studies: A Conference, 2022-12 (Invited)

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