Our research aims at discovering useful
knowledge from the large collection of satellite images of typhoons
using data mining approaches. In addition, this paper discusses more
ambitious challenges, namely the discovery of the signs of infrequent
but relevant events from typhoon cloud patterns observed from
satellites. For this purpose, we have built the typhoon image
collection of around 34,000 images for the northern and southern
hemisphere, which provides medium-sized, richly-variational and
quality-controlled data archive suitable for data mining research. Our
preferred approach to typhoon data mining is oriented toward a
probability and statistical framework, and our goal is to learn the
characteristics of the space of typhoon cloud patterns from satellite
images. We introduce the PCA-based representation of typhoons, and its
application to the discovery of the signs of the rapid intensification
of the typhoon. We also present meteorological background of the
issues, comparison of approaches to those issues, and promising areas
of chance discovery research for the typhoon.
北本 朝展,
Vol. SIG-FAI-A103, pp. 19-26, 2002年1月
BibTeX フォーマット
@InProceedings{ k:fai02,
author = {北本 朝展},
title = {台風画像コレクションからの予兆発見},
booktitle = {人工知能学会研究会資料},
volume = {SIG-FAI-A103},
pages = {19-26},
year = 2002,
month = 1,
doi = {},
note = {},
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