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Yoko NISHIMURA, Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Reconstruction of Beijing Old Landscape Using Complete Map of Peking, Qianlong Period and Old Photographs", Historical GIS Perspective in Japan - Landscape Reconstruction, Environment and Regional Structure, Japan Council for Historical GIS Research (Eds.), pp. 95-107, Bensei Shuppan, ISBN 978-4-585-22022-0, 2012-3 (in Japanese)
@InCollection{ nk:historical-gis12, author = {Yoko NISHIMURA and Asanobu KITAMOTO}, title = {Reconstruction of Beijing Old Landscape Using Complete Map of Peking, Qianlong Period and Old Photographs}, booktitle = {Historical GIS Perspective in Japan - Landscape Reconstruction, Environment and Regional Structure}, editor = {Japan Council for Historical GIS Research}, pages = {95-107}, publisher = {Bensei Shuppan}, year = 2012, month = 3, doi = {}, note = { (in Japanese)}, }
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