Last Updated: 2017-02-28 07:00 (UTC)

HORONUKA (13321) Basic Information

Address Hokkaido (RUMOI SHI, HOKKAIDO) [ Local Portal ]
Detailed Station Information AMeDAS Statistics
Past Heavy Rain Data AMeDAS Heavy Rain
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Observation and Ranking


Observation Value Number of Obs. Historical Ranking Synchronic Ranking Past
1H Precip. 0.0 1 - - Record
2H Precip. 0.0 2 - - Record
3H Precip. 0.0 3 - - Record
6H Precip. 0.0 6 - - Record
12H Precip. 0.0 12 - - Record
24H Precip. 0.0 24 - - Record
48H Precip. 0.0 48 - - Record
72H Precip. 1.5 72 Rank 3,186 of 3,521 Rank 387 of 527 Record

Wind Speed

Observation Value Number of Obs. Historical Ranking Synchronic Ranking Past
Maximum Wind 0.5 1 Rank 311,472 of 320,943 Rank 911 of 927 -

Heavy Rains in Recent 72 Hours


Japan Meteorological Agency AMeDAS Data (in a tabular form)