Last Updated: 2017-02-28 07:00 (UTC)

MAIZURU (61111) Basic Information

Address Kyoto (MAIZURU SHI, KYOTO FU) [ Local Portal ]
Detailed Station Information AMeDAS Statistics
Past Heavy Rain Data AMeDAS Heavy Rain
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Observation and Ranking


Observation Value Number of Obs. Historical Ranking Synchronic Ranking Past
1H Precip. 0.0 1 - - Record
2H Precip. 0.0 2 - - Record
3H Precip. 0.0 3 - - Record
6H Precip. 0.0 6 - - Record
12H Precip. 0.0 12 - - Record
24H Precip. 0.0 24 - - Record
48H Precip. 8.0 48 Rank 2,321 of 4,237 Rank 17 of 333 Record
72H Precip. 8.0 72 Rank 2,167 of 3,517 Rank 152 of 527 Record

Wind Speed

Observation Value Number of Obs. Historical Ranking Synchronic Ranking Past
Maximum Wind 3.7 1 Rank 91,930 of 354,651 Rank 174 of 927 -

Heavy Rains in Recent 72 Hours


Japan Meteorological Agency AMeDAS Data (in a tabular form)