Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS): Data sharing for solving societal issues on earth environment


Asanobu KITAMOTO, Akiyuki KAWASAKI, Hiroko KINUTANI, Katsunori TAMAKAWA, Ryosuke SHIBASAKI, Masaru KITSUREGAWA, "Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS): Data sharing for solving societal issues on earth environment", Joho Kanri, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 413-421, doi:10.1241/johokanri.58.413, 2015-9 (in Japanese)

BibTeX Format

      @Article{ jk15,
      author = {Asanobu KITAMOTO and Akiyuki KAWASAKI and Hiroko KINUTANI and Katsunori TAMAKAWA and Ryosuke SHIBASAKI and Masaru KITSUREGAWA},
      title = {Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS): Data sharing for solving societal issues on earth environment},
      journal = {Joho Kanri},
      volume = {58},
      number = {6},
      pages = {413-421},
      year = 2015,
      month = 9,
      doi = {10.1241/johokanri.58.413},
      note = { (in Japanese)},

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