Mahalo Button: Building the Network of Gratitude for Sharing the Dataset Usage


Asanobu KITAMOTO, Yoko NAKAHARA, Hiroyuki SHIMAI, Toshiyuki SHIMIZU, "Mahalo Button: Building the Network of Gratitude for Sharing the Dataset Usage", 日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)2022年大会, No. MGI30-08, 2022年5月 (in English)

BibTeX フォーマット

      @InProceedings{ jpgu22a,
      author = {Asanobu KITAMOTO and Yoko NAKAHARA and Hiroyuki SHIMAI and Toshiyuki SHIMIZU},
      title = {Mahalo Button: Building the Network of Gratitude for Sharing the Dataset Usage},
      booktitle = {日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)2022年大会},
      number = {MGI30-08},
      pages = {},
      year = 2022,
      month = 5,
      doi = {},
      note = { (in English)},



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