The Expansion of Historical Municipal Boundaries Dataset and Its use in Historical Big Data Research


Asanobu KITAMOTO, Ken T. MURATA, "The Expansion of Historical Municipal Boundaries Dataset and Its use in Historical Big Data Research", Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2023, No. MGI31-10, 2023-5 (in Japanese)

BibTeX Format

      @InProceedings{ jpgu23c,
      author = {Asanobu KITAMOTO and Ken T. MURATA},
      title = {The Expansion of Historical Municipal Boundaries Dataset and Its use in Historical Big Data Research},
      booktitle = {Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2023},
      number = {MGI31-10},
      pages = {},
      year = 2023,
      month = 5,
      doi = {},
      note = { (in Japanese)},

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