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This page summarizes our response to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011.
We have seen a growing need of meteorological data after the earthquake and related disasters, so we decided to summarize and release meteorological data in the following page.
In particular, many people have interest in wind speed and direction near Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, so we released a tool to visualize the wind speed and direction data of numerical model GPV on Google Maps.
We also plan to aggregate and analyze meteorological data around Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant such as meteorological radar data and AMeDAS data.
(2011.04.02) GPV data above is the result of simulation by Japan Meteorological Agency. Observation data is available at Real-time AMeDAS Wind Maps.
Due to the accident of the nuclear power plant, we are asked from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to reduce the consumption of electricity. To cooperate with power saving, we shifted to the reduced operation of computers by stopping unimportant computers, and tries to keep minimum computing resources for the continuation of this website. It is also expected, however, that more aggressive power saving will be required in this summer, so we may change the operation based on our thought about what kind of information is worth providing for the consumption of electricity.
We are also affected by the earthquake damage, power blackout, and reduced operations of information sources, and real-time AMeDAS data has been stopped. Other data are also suffering from the delay of data dissemination, and we appreciate your understanding.
(May 26, 2011) The update of real-time AMeDAS data was recovered.