3G Weather Satellite Himawari : Typhoon High Frequency Observation : Weather Satellite Himawari Real-time Viewer : Movie : Dataset : Notice : Twitter : Facebook

Real-time Typhoon Information

No typhoon information received at this time.

Last Updated: 2025-02-11 09:39 (UTC)

Latest Typhoon Information

Typhoon Database

1. Search by Metadata

  1. Search by Date / Season
  2. Search by Name / Number
  3. List of Past Typhoons
  4. Search by Map
  5. Search by Place (Lat / Lon)
  6. Search by Pressure
  7. Search by Wind
  8. Search by Day
  9. Activity Calendar
  10. Typhoon Timeline

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

  11. List by Track Information

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

  12. List by Wind Information

    N. Pacific

  13. List by Intensification Information

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

  14. List by Birth Information

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

2. Content-based Image Retrieval

  1. Similarity-Based Image Search (Random)

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

  2. Self-Organizing Map

    N. Pacific : S. Pacific

3. Data Mining

  1. Alignment of Multiple Typhoons
  2. Explore by Projection to 2D Plane

4. Weather Databases and Archives

  1. Archive of Animation

    Cloud : AMeDAS : Radar : Radar AMeDAS

  2. AMeDAS Statistics
  3. AMeDAS Heavy Rain
  4. Disaster Reduction (in Japanese)

    General Typhoon Information : Bulletin : Warning : Mudslides : Risk Map : Disaster Information Area

  5. Historical Data Archive

    Historical Weather Charts : Weather Ledger

  6. Various Phenomena

    Heavy Snow : Sea Ice : Solar Eclipse t : White Night : Volcano Eruption : Wildfire

5. References and Links

  1. Reference Room
  2. Link Collection
  3. Tropical Cyclones in the World
  4. IBTrACS Database
  5. Forecast Accuracy (Forecast Circle, Forecast Error)
  6. Isewan Typhoon

    Isewan Typhoon Storm Tide Database : Isewan Typhoon Memories 2009

  7. Typhoon Information and Education
  8. Access Analytics

    Access Ranking : Access Analytics

6. Numerical Models

  1. Real-time GPV
  2. Vertical Typhoon
  3. GPV Navigator

7. Collaborative Databases

  1. Collaborative Databases

8. Social Typhoon

  1. Social Typhoon

    Typhoon Front : Typhoon Visual Report : Typhoon Imagination : Eyephoon : Keteyephoon : Twiphoon : Typhoon Now! : Futtekitter : Typhoon Memories

About "Digital Typhoon"

1. Disclaimer

This site has the comprehensive archive of meteorological satellite "Himawari" images since 1978, and offers a typhoon database of about 200,000 typhoon images since 1979 and typhoon best tracks since 1951 to search by date, name, location, cloud patterns, and so on. Recently this site started to provide typhoon forecast information, but the latest typhoon information, weather forecast, advisories and warnings should be obtained from reliable sources such as "Japan Meteorological Agency: Typhoon Information" and other sites. Updates may be delayed due to the status of network between data sources. We welcome your feedback.

2. Past Typhoon Data

Basin Sequences Images
W.N. Pacific 1,142 198,044
W.S. Pacific 494 72,754
Total 1,636 270,798

Images of past typhoons from 1979 to this year are archived.

3. Related Information

  1. The Detail of "Digital Typhoon" project
  2. About data
  3. History of the project
  4. About meteorological satellites
  5. Remote Sensing
  6. Earth Environmental Informatics
  7. Keeping Track of MTSAT!
  8. Outreach
  9. Digital Archives of 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
  10. Earthquake Information
  11. Volcanic Eruption Information

In the informatics community, there is a growing interest in discovering relevant information from the huge amount of data that is overwhelming even in our everyday life. In the scientific communities such as earth science, bioinformatics, physics, the explosive amount of data stream that sensors generate continuously urges us to develop a set of techniques to discover relevant information that is hidden in the middle of the data in near real-time.

The project "Digital Typhoon" constructs the large collection of typhoon images as a typical example of spatio-temporal scientific database, and aims at developing techniques to "mine" or discover relevant knowledge which may be useful for typhoon analysis and prediction. This web site will reveal a part of our achievements.

Meteorological Satellite Images

Change Date

Past -1H -3H -6H -1D -1W -1M -3M -1Y
Future +1H +3H +6H +1D +1W +1M +3M +1Y
Date time

Local Typhoon Information

1. Prefectures in Japan


  1. Animation (Movie) of Cloud Motion
  2. Making Color Images
  3. About Database
  4. The Observation of Typhoons and Dvorak Method
  5. Weather Warnings and Advisories, Weather Forecast, and Typhoon Forecast
  6. Front and Typhoon
  7. Global Warming and Tropical Cyclones (Typhoons, Hurricanes)
  8. Similarity-Based Image Search
  9. Definition of Landfall, Accession and Passage of Typhoons
  10. Life of a Typhoon - Definition of a Typhoon (Tropical Cyclone), Longevity Typhoons, and Relationship with an Extratropical Cyclone
  11. Satellite Images (Photographs)
  12. Typhoon Season and Statistics of Formation
  13. The Structure of the Web Site
  14. Storm Tide and Storm Surge
  15. Typhoon Names (Asian Names)
  16. Expression of Time
  17. Typhoon Track Charts
  18. Typhoon Information - Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and U.S. Navy Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
  19. The Intensity and Size of Typhoons - Units of Pressure and Wind
  20. Typhoons, Hurricanes and Cyclones