1-4. Ten to Twenty Years of the Project

Available only in Japanese

5. References (Complete List)

  1. Clément Playout, Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Latent Space Representation and RNN for Image-based Typhoon Intensity Analysis and Prediction", The 9th International Workshop on Climate Informatics (CI2019), pp. 47-52, doi:10.5065/y82j-f154, 2019-10 [ Abstract ]
  2. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Irreversibility of Disasters and the Spirit of Archives - Lessons from Digital Typhoon, Great East Japan Earthquake Digital Archives and Memorygraph", Digital Archive Basics 2 Reusing Disaster Records in the Future, Fumihiko IMAMURA, Chikahiko SUZUKI (Eds.), pp. 169-197, Bensei Shuppan, ISBN 978-4-585-20282-0, 2019-8 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  3. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Search technologies for situational awareness on the big data of typhoons", The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association, Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 194-199, doi:10.18919/jkg.69.5_194, 2019-5 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  4. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Analysis of Typhoon Cloud Patterns and Transition to Extra Tropical Cyclones Using Machine Learning", 2018 Autumn Meeting of The Meteorological Society of Japan, 2018-10 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  5. Asanobu KITAMOTO, ""Digital Typhoon" meteorological satellite image dataset and machine learning", 2018 Spring Meeting of The Meteorological Society of Japan, 2018-5 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  6. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Digital Archive of "Observation Spirit"", Digital Archive Forum for Industry-Academia-Government -Toward Digital Archive Society, 2017-11 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  7. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Curation and open science in "Digital Typhoon": Issues toward a sustainable data platform", Joho Kanri, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 293-304, doi:10.1241/johokanri.59.293, 2016-8 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  8. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Big Data-Based Disaster Reduction, and the Role of Humans and Machines", Technical Report of Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Vol. 115, No. 456, pp. 131-131, 2016-2 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  9. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Big Data Analysis Toward Situational Awareness of Complex Disasters", "Typhoon Seminar", Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2015-11 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  10. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Contextualization of Data for the Realization of Tropical Cyclones", Seminar on Mesoscale Meteorology, 2015-10 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  11. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Typhoon information in the age of big data - integration and analysis of big data toward the real-time recognition and understanding of meteorological phenomena", Image Laboratory, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 17-22, 2013-4 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  12. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Possibility of Real-time Sharing of Operational Pictures Based on the Integration of Sensor Data and Social Media", Symposium on Revolutionary Mobility and Sensing - Special Interest Group "Human Probe" of IEICE, 2012-11 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  13. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Large-Scale Heterogeneous Data Archives for Machine Learning Research", The Second International Workshop on Climate Informatics, 2012-9 [ Abstract ] [ Paper ]
  14. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "How to make the most of Digital Typhoon and Social Typhoon?", A Seminar on Meteorology by Weather Caster Network, 2012-9 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  15. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Application Layer in Science Data Systems: Case Study of 'Digital Typhoon' and '2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake'", Abstracts of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2012, No. U01-13, 2012-5 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ] [ Paper ] [ Paper ]
  16. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: Integration and Analysis of Large-scale Data for the Real-time Recognition and Understanding of Meteorological Phenomena", Technical Report of Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Vol. 111, No. 222, pp. 5-5, 2011-10 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  17. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Typhoon Watching - Observing Typhoons Using the Internet", Public Lecture 'Using disaster information for disaster reduction', Disaster Information Laboratory, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, 2011-3 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
  18. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Typhoon Memories: Design of Participatory System for Sharing the Memories of Disasters using Data Experiencing Space", Research Report on Grants from Hoso Bunka Kikin 2008, Hoso Bunka Foundation, pp. 1-7, 2010-7 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ] [ Paper ]
  19. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Digital Typhoon: A Participatory Information Infrastructure for Sharing Experiences of the Real Space", Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Internet Architecture, Vol. 109, No. 351, pp. 63-68, 2009-12 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ] [ Paper ]
  20. Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Feeling Isewan Typhoon: Isewan Typhoon and Its Memories Revealed from Data", 50th Anniversary of Isewan Typhoon - See, Listen and Learn about Typhoon Disasters, 2009-9 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]