< Typhoon 197923 1979 Season Typhoon 198001 >
Typhoon 197924 (BEN)
General InformationDetailed Track InformationTrack Information on Google Maps || Disaster Info.ResourceGoogle EarthGE AnimationAtom FeedGeoJSON
Detalied Best Track Wind (Time Zone = UTC)
Year Month Day Hour Lat. Long. Wind (kt) Gust (kt) Direc. of Major Storm Axis Radius of Major Storm Axis (nm) Radius of Minor Storm Axis (nm) Direc. of Major Gale Axis Radius of Major Gale Axis (nm) Radius of Minor Gale Axis (nm) Image
1979 12 20 06 11.0 132.6 0 0 - - - - - - --
1979 12 20 12 11.5 131.6 0 0 - - - - - - --
1979 12 20 18 12.0 130.0 0 0 - - - - - - --
1979 12 21 00 11.5 128.0 0 0 - - - - - - --
1979 12 21 06 11.4 126.0 40 0 - - - symmetric 30 30 --
1979 12 21 12 11.7 124.5 45 0 - - - symmetric 70 70 --
1979 12 21 18 12.0 123.0 40 0 - - - symmetric 70 70 --
1979 12 22 00 12.5 121.5 45 0 - - - symmetric 75 75 --
1979 12 22 06 13.0 120.2 40 0 - - - symmetric 75 75 --
1979 12 22 12 13.7 119.5 40 0 - - - symmetric 100 100 --
1979 12 22 18 14.6 119.3 40 0 - - - symmetric 100 100 --
1979 12 23 00 15.6 119.5 45 0 - - - symmetric 50 50 --
1979 12 23 06 17.0 120.0 45 0 - - - symmetric 50 50 --
1979 12 23 12 19.3 122.2 0 0 - - - - - - --
Japan Meteorological Agency Best Track Data | Correction Date : 1992-10-21
< Typhoon 197923 1979 Season Typhoon 198001 >
