< Typhoon 196521 1965 Season Typhoon 196523 >
Typhoon 196522 (ROSE)
Detailed Track InformationTrack Information on Google Maps || Disaster Info.ResourceGoogle EarthGE AnimationAtom FeedGeoJSON
Best Track Map
Central Pressure Chart (Time Zone = UTC)
Basic Information
1965-08-31 18:00:00 UTC
Death (Latest)
1965-09-06 00:00:00 UTC
126 (hours) / 5.250 (days)
Lifetime [JMA]
126 (hours) / 5.250 (days)
Minimum Pressure
980 (hPa)
Maximum Wind
Largest Radius of Storm Wind
(nm) / 0 (km)
Largest Diameter of Storm Wind
(nm) / 0 (km)
Largest Radius of Gale Wind
(nm) / 0 (km)
Largest Diameter of Gale Wind
(nm) / 0 (km)
Length of Movement
2477 (km)
Average Speed
19.7 (km/h) | 471 (km/d)
Range of Movement
Latitude 5.5 : Longitude 21.3
Wind Flux
Accumulated Cyclone Energy
Power Dissipation Index
Maximum Pressure Drop
-5 hPa / 06 hours
-9 hPa / 12 hours
-14 hPa / 24 hours
-10 hPa / 48 hours
Data Start
1965-08-30 00:00:00 UTC
Data End
1965-09-06 18:00:00 UTC
Data Duration
186 (hours) / 7.750 (days)
Best Track
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< Typhoon 196521 1965 Season Typhoon 196523 >
