Similarity Retrieval of NOAA Satellite Imagery with an Attributed Relational Graph


Asanobu KITAMOTO, Changming ZHOU, Mikio TAKAGI, "Similarity Retrieval of NOAA Satellite Imagery with an Attributed Relational Graph", Proceedings of the 1993 Spring National Convention, Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Vol. D, pp. 522, 1993-3 (in Japanese)

BibTeX Format

      @InProceedings{ kzt:ieice93-a,
      author = {Asanobu KITAMOTO and Changming ZHOU and Mikio TAKAGI},
      title = {Similarity Retrieval of NOAA Satellite Imagery with an Attributed Relational Graph},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1993 Spring National Convention, Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE)},
      volume = {D},
      pages = {522},
      year = 1993,
      month = 3,
      doi = {},
      note = { (in Japanese)},

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