Digital Typhoon: AMeRAS: Help |
About This Site
This site shows the real-time ranking of AMeDAS data from Japan Meteorological Agency. This data is only for casual usage, and for disaster preparedness, please refer to warnings issued from Japan Meteorological Agency. This site offers two types of ranking.
"Historical ranking" is the ranking of observation data at a specific place. For example, rank 5 means that the observation is the 5th largest (smallest) value among historical observations at the place. This can be interpreted as "temporal ranking" at a fixed space.
"Synchronic ranking" is the ranking of observation data at a specific time. For example, rank 5 means that the observation is the 5th largest (smallest) value among observations of AMeDAS stations across Japan at the time. This can be interpreted as "spatial ranking" at a fixed time.
This site is now a beta version, and with possible delay, troubles and errors. For reliable information, please refer to Japan Meteorological Agency or other information sources (e.g. ranking of data for today and yesterday).
AMeDAS data through the last year
As same as AMeDAS statistics, we use annual AMeDAS reports from Japan Meteorological Agency (detail).
AMeDAS data of this year
Under research relationships with MetBroker, we use realtime data (not 10-min updates but 1-hour updates) from them.
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