1. Storm Tide and Storm Surge
Storm tide is the actual sea level as influenced by a weather disturbance. The storm tide consists of the normal astronomical tide and the storm surge.
Storm surge is the difference between the actual water level under the influence of a meteorological disturbance (storm tide) and the level which would have been attained in the absense of the meteorological disturbance (e.g. astronomical tide).
Storm surge results mainly from the shoreward movement of water under the action of wind stress. A minor contribution is also made by the hydrostatic rise of water resulting from the lowered barometric pressure.
The largest storm surge was recorded by Typhoon Vera, which is also called "Isewan Typhoon" due to the massive disaster caused by the storm tide along the coast of Isewan (Ise Bay). Related data is available at Isewan Typhoon Storm Tide Database - Vertical Earth, and storm tide map.