1. Summary
This theme deals with information about space such as geographic information. Topics are as follows.
Geometric Correction
Data that observe the earth should be georeferenced, or aligned to the actual location on the earth. We develop a system for georeferencing satellite images or historical maps.
Geo Tagging
Text that describe the earth should be georeferenced, or linked to the actual location on the earth. We develop a system for mapping natural language text by analyzing geographic named entities in text.
We build geographic information systems or websites to show and search earth-related data.
Representation Learning
We analyze the location of geographic features using deep learning-based representation learning.
Asanobu KITAMOTO, Takeshi SAGARA, Masatoshi ARIKAWA,
"GeoNLP: Toward Intelligent Geo-Tagging for Natural Language Text",
CSIS Days 2011,
No. D10,
2011-11 (in Japanese)