Groundwork for a TEI-Based Digital Genetic Archive of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake

The project aims at consolidating the basis for a digital archive of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake specifically dedicated to close scholarly analysis of its textual genetics. We have followed the latest TEI guidelines to see how far their updated rules for encoding manuscript sources work for one of the most complicated examples of literary creation. So far the TEI rules have been found compatible with out project, with a couple of useful analysis tools created out of the documents as HTML views.


Mikio FUSE, Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Groundwork for a TEI-Based Digital Genetic Archive of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake", Proceedings of IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2012, pp. 143-150, 2012-11 (in Japanese)

BibTeX Format

      @InProceedings{ jm12,
      author = {Mikio FUSE and Asanobu KITAMOTO},
      title = {Groundwork for a TEI-Based Digital Genetic Archive of
      James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2012},
      pages = {143-150},
      year = 2012,
      month = 11,
      doi = {},
      note = { (in Japanese)},

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