The Collection of Typhoon Data and the Construction of Typhoon Image Databases Under International Research Collaboration between Japan and Thailand

This paper reports on the project under international research collaboration between Japan (National Institute of Informatics) and Thailand (Asian Institute of Technology) for the collection of typhoon data and the establishment of typhoon image databases. The statistics on past typhoon records reveal that approximately one thirds of the typhoons formed in the Northwest Pacific basin enter into South East Asia. Hence it is important to investigate into the analysis and prediction of typhoons in order to prevent or reduce massive damage caused by typhoons in this dangerous region. Our challenge to this issue is unique in that it is mainly based on the informatics paradigm, namely based on ideas and techniques developed in the informatics discipline, in contrast to the traditional paradigm based on the methodology of meteorology. The underlying infrastructure in this new paradigm is the large collection of typhoon images created from Japanese meteorological satellite GMS-5, Himawari. However, when observing South East Asia through this satellite, observation data tend to show degradation in effective resolution and distortion in cloud shape due to earth curvature. Hence we demonstrate that satellite data from another type of satellite called NOAA can compensate the drawbacks of GMS-5 and can provide altogether high quality typhoon imagery over South East Asia. We also point out that NOAA data received in Thailand are relevant data source for this combination, and that the effective infrastructure for exchanging huge amount of satellite data is the SINET international link operating between Thailand and Japan.


Asanobu KITAMOTO, Kinji ONO, "The Collection of Typhoon Data and the Construction of Typhoon Image Databases Under International Research Collaboration between Japan and Thailand", NII Journal, No. 2, pp. 15-26, 2001-3

BibTeX Format

      @Article{ ko:nii2,
      author = {Asanobu KITAMOTO and Kinji ONO},
      title = {The Collection of Typhoon Data and the Construction of Typhoon Image Databases Under International Research Collaboration between Japan and Thailand},
      journal = {NII Journal},
      number = {2},
      pages = {15-26},
      year = 2001,
      month = 3,
      doi = {},
      note = {},

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