Last Updated: 2017-02-28 07:00 (UTC)

Historical Ranking

1H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

2H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

3H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

6H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

12H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

24H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

48H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

72H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking

Maximum Wind

Number Name Location Obs. Historic Ranking
85116 IMARI IMARI SHI, SAGA KEN 4.7 Rank 43,391 of 339,166
85033 KARATSU KARATSU SHI, SAGA KEN 3.7 Rank 20,527 of 105,579
85161 URESHINO URESHINO SHI, SAGA KEN 2.3 Rank 85,850 of 291,485
85142 SAGA SAGA SHI, SAGA KEN 3.3 Rank 85,218 of 233,485
85166 SHIROISHI KISHIMA GUN SHIROISHI CHO, SAGA KEN 1.9 Rank 171,143 of 332,736

Synchronic Ranking

1H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

2H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

3H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

6H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

12H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

24H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

48H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

72H Precip.

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking

Maximum Wind

Number Name Location Obs. Synchronic Ranking
85116 IMARI IMARI SHI, SAGA KEN 4.7 Rank 58 of 927
85033 KARATSU KARATSU SHI, SAGA KEN 3.7 Rank 174 of 927
85142 SAGA SAGA SHI, SAGA KEN 3.3 Rank 244 of 927
85161 URESHINO URESHINO SHI, SAGA KEN 2.3 Rank 516 of 927
85176 KAWASOE SAGA SHI, SAGA KEN 2.0 Rank 606 of 927

List of AMeDAS Stations