1. Projects

The outline of research can be found at Kitamoto Laboratory. Related to this general principle, the following summarizes major projects that I am currently involved in.

  1. "Digital Typhoon" Project The goal is to discover some knowledge on typhoon cloud patterns from the comprehensive database of past typhoons, and use the knowledge for improving the prediction of typhoons. Another goal is to find new ways for emergent information processing through the instantaneous aggregation of any kinds of typhoon-related information. [Read more...]
  2. Digitization of Rare Books This project aims at digitizing whole books and made them accessible on the Internet with browsing and searching functionality. To put it in the trend of Internet technology, this is one example of pushing invaluable knowledge of humankind contained in books to the Internet, which is easily accessible by anyone. This kind of digitization projects is now becoming a big business interested by many large companies. [Read more...]
  3. Vertical Earth Project This is a joint project with National Institute of Polar Research and Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and the purpose is to establish huge databases and the portal site for earth science information. Earth science people have accumulated large amount of data, but they are separately archived in each discipline. So the key is how to integrate those data and improve utility so that we can find hidden nature of the earth from the databases. [Read more...]
  4. Data Integration & Analysis System (DIAS) This project aims at collecting, archiving, integrating and analyzing massive amount of data observing the earth, and convert data into information useful for the society for global-scale environmental problems, risk management for large-scale natural disasters, and so on. This project is an important part of "Earth Observation and Ocean Exploration System," which is regarded as one of National Key Technologies, and will contribute to the establishment of "Global Earth Observation System of Systems" (GEOSS). [Read more...]
  5. The measurement and analysis of phenome images and the creation of phenome databases This is a joint project with National Institute of Genetics, and the purpose is to create the databases of phenomes by measuring and recognizing the phenotypic information of organisms from images. Genotypic information of organisims has been already organized into large-scale databases, while the databases of phenotypic information are still premature, and the challenge here is how well we can make the automatic measurement of phenotypic information by means of image processing and image recognition. [Read more...]

I am involved in a few other projects, but I'll skip the detail.

2. Research Topics

Image Analysis

: [1] Content-based Image Retrieval : [2] Shape Analysis : [3] Graph Representation :

Pattern Recogntion

: [1] Pattern Recognition : [2] Fractional Component Analysis : [3] Earth Environmental Informatics :

Machine Learning

: [1] Evolutionary Computation : [2] Fractional Component Analysis :

Data Mining

: [1] Data Mining : [2] Meteoinformatics : [3] X-informatics : [4] Typhoon : [5] Earth Environmental Informatics : [6] XML :

Multimedia Databases

: [1] Content-based Image Retrieval : [2] Meteoinformatics : [3] Geoinformatics : [4] Typhoon : [5] Digital Archive : [6] Digital Humanities : [7] Memory Platform : [8] XML : [9] Linked Data :


: [1] Meteoinformatics : [2] X-informatics : [3] Typhoon : [4] Remote Sensing : [5] Earth Environmental Informatics : [6] Geoinformatics : [7] XML : [8] Linked Data :

Remote Sensing

: [1] Remote Sensing : [2] Earth Environmental Informatics : [3] Geoinformatics : [4] Meteoinformatics : [5] Fractional Component Analysis : [6] Network Technology :

Image Synthesis

: [1] Visualization : [2] Media Art :

World Wide Web and Media

: [1] URI Immunization : [2] XML : [3] Geoinformatics : [4] Linked Data : [5] Media Art : [6] Gamification : [7] Crowdsourcing : [8] Open Science :

Open Science

: [1] Open Science : [2] Crowdsourcing : [3] Gamification : [4] Media Art :

3. Related Web Sites

4. Biography

: [1] Publications : [2] Grants : [3] Awards : [4] Education : [5] Official Information : [6] Directory of Faculty :