Typhoon TOKAGE with the center of clouds being very dense (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon MA-ON's cloud shape becoming less rounded (0000 UTC)
 Typhoon MA-ON with the well-rounded eye (0000 UTC)
 Typhoon MA-ON with the crisp eye surrounded by thick clouds (0300 UTC)
 Typhoon MA-ON with the edge of eyewall clouds being steep (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon MA-ON with its clear eye (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI moving across Kagoshima and Miyazaki Prefecture (0100 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI finally started to move (0000 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI approaching Kyushu (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI coming to a halt at the turn (0300 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI moving in the middle of Okinawa Islands (0000 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI keeping westward movement (0300 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI with its eye being visible again (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI drawing near to Okinawa (0000 UTC)
 Tiny but mature Typhooon MEARI (0100 UTC)
 Typhooon MEARI deepened further (0100 UTC)
 Typhoon MEARI with its eye getting more visible (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon SARIKA as a miniature typhoon (0600 UTC)
 Comparing the size of Typhoon SONGDA and Typhoon SARIKA (0600 UTC)
 Typhoon SONGDA changed to an extratropical cyclone (0600 UTC)