2006-08-16 17:30 JST
Typhoon SONAMU disappeared as if it was absorbed into Typhoon WUKONG when distance to the center of Typhoon WUKONG was nearly 450km. In the end of its life, the shape was far from a typhoon, and this indicates that such a short distance is too close for a typhoon to exist as an independent entity.
2006-08-15 12:50 JST
Typhoon SONAMU is spinning around Typhoon WUKONG as if it is a satellite (moon) of Typhoon WUKONG. Inside of a big circulation is situated Typhoon WUKONG, while Typhoon SONAMU is on the flow around the circulation, and this makes Typhoon WUKONG almost stationary while Typhoon SONAMU moving relatively fast. Typhoon SONAMU will get even closer to Typhoon WUKONG, but Typhoon SONAMU may be crumpled under the influence of Typhoon WUKONG if they get too close.
2006-08-14 11:00 JST
Typhoon SONAMU was formed in east of Philippines. Typhoon WUKONG and this typhoon makes twin typhoons, and the forecast says that Typhoon SONAMU will move around the south of Typhoon WUKONG to change the position to the east. This forecast suggests that these typhoons may show more complex tracks than the previous trio typhoons, Typhoon MARIA, Typhoon SAOMAI, and Typhoon BOPHA.
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